--------------------------------- (above this line, Joey typed. below this line, Mom finished his statement)
"Joey went to the bathroom because he needed a bandaid ..."
-----------------------------------(above this line, Joey's dictation was supposedly captured. below this line Mom's interpretation).
Joey was trying to move his keyboard (electric piano) stand across the floor. I'm not sure why, but in the process he stubbed his big toe, lifting the nail along the edge. This caused it to bleed a little bit, so he needed to have it cleaned and a band-aid applied for aesthetics and good-measure.
------------------------------- (above this line, Mom's interpretation. below this line, Mom's comments).
About the Event:
As mentioned above, Joey hurt himself, and, of course, it was an event, since it resulted in blood. lol Really, it wasn't a major hemorrhage or anything, but it is a sensitive area and the resulting pain can be quite uncomfortable - I 'speak' from experience. Having to clean out the area, and it meriting a band-aid seem to have escalated the event in his mind. I 'say' this because sometime afterward, he ran over to me 'out of the blue' and told me that he needed to have it written, like we did yesterday. Despite the fact that I was working on the computer, you better believe I complied! lol
About the Post:
Yes, I'm pretty excited about this blog project, and I was overjoyed that Joey came to me and requested to have an event written like we did yesterday, as he put it. Since his first post yesterday, he's had a couple comments and quite a few visitors from around the world, including one from his dad's hometown! I've been anxious to share these tidbits with him, but there are other activities that take precedence, including my own obligations. I did mention to him at one point today that he could share something with his online friends; but it was such a quick reference that right now I can't even recall what it regarded.
As for how this post went: Well, excellent, until someone got him worked up because they were going to the stores :-/ *sigh* So much for him finishing even his one sentence! He had shared with me what he wanted his first sentence to be, but from the time he told me to the time that he took off, I forgot the latter part of it. (doh!) Yes, he played a little with holding a few buttons down and backspacing, but he did it much less than yesterday and was much quicker at typing his words today. Also, although I gave him the option of choosing another font color yesterday, and he clicked on the font colors and decided on black; today, without my saying anything, he told me he wanted red, and when I pointed to the proper icon on the screen, he quickly clicked and changed his text to red, but not before me suggesting to him that he had various shades of red from which to choose. Yes, I really am enjoying all the lessons that are coming from this activity!
For the record, text color is the only font manipulation I've introduced to him so far. All the rest, I do, without even sharing the process, yet. Any punctuation in his typing, and capitalization, is his doing, but I do explain to him how to make it happen, and may offer suggestions. If we have time later today, he may decide to finish his earlier post. Somehow, I wouldn't be surprised if it's 'old news' and his next post is unrelated. I am curious to find out, though. Time will tell :-)
PS - The pics were from after he returned. The most we did to follow up was reply to Alex's post from yesterday's blog. He added a video reply too. Here's the link: http://joeysjaunt.blogspot.com/2012/09/im-still-pedaling.html?showComment=1347166408671#c2185298340226807804
If you have kiddos who would like to video/comment reply, I think Joey would love to make some online friends. If you are comfortable mentioning your location (continent, country, state, whatever makes you comfortable) and anything 'teachable', it would help make some geographic connections for him. Thanks!
Joey, you hurt your toe! I hope it's better now, did you need an operation? Do you like playing the keyboard? When my Mummy plays I think she needs help so I put my hands on top of hers to help her. Sueños dulces desde Panamá!
ReplyDeleteOperation? I was jumping in the bed and Kaelie got hurt in her lips downstairs. She had blood on her lips. And then they put a pañito on her lips. I hope she feels better!
ReplyDeleteI like to play on the keyboard. But not with my cars on the keyboard! My Lightening McQueen and Mater can't go on the keyboard.
from Joey's mom: sorry it's taken so long to reply! Joey dictated the above message and typed his name :-) I guess the question about the operation reminded him of when his little sister cut her lip. There was quite a bit of blood and his dad was concerned that she may need an operation. She didn't! Anyway, thanks for the message! Take care :-)